
“Developing disciples who make disciples.”

A disciple is someone who is actively learning from Jesus, in all areas of life. They are regularly responding to two core questions of discipleship:

1. What is Jesus saying?

2. What am I doing in response?

Since disciple means “learner” it is essential that people learn to hear and obey what Jesus is saying to them.  A disciple should, in turn, disciple others. The big “win” is to make disciples who make disciples. The church's mission is to make disciples who then GO as missionaries to make more disciples.



4g – Core Values

  • GATHER: Following Jesus is not a solo act. We were created for relationships. We need others in the church.  Make it a goal to gather: Sunday mornings, classes/groups, and fellowship events. Find someone who is going in the same direction as you (toward Christ) and walk together.
  • GROW: Growing into the image of Christ is the goal of a follower of Jesus.  Growth happens when we hear, understand, and implement God's word in our lives. Growing is like breathing, we inhale God's word (read, study & obey), we exhale by sharing what we are learning with others.  As disciples, we are called to be disciple makers.  We grow much more quickly when we are pouring our lives into helping others grow.
  • GIVE: A follower of Jesus is expected to be generous. We give our money in proportion with our income, we give our time to serve others, and we give our talents by using the unique ways we've been created to serve others in the church.
  • GO: The gospel is good news that is meant to be shared. We go when we understand the mission God has given us. Whether its across the street, or around the world, God call's us to “go” especially into another cultural context that is unlike our own.


When we gather, grow, give and go, we will lead fruitful and fulfilled lives in Christ.  We are meant to be rivers not reservoirs. God pours into us so we can pour into the lives of others.